Saturday, May 02, 2009

Taking it (the Big) Easy

The last time newFNP was in New Orleans, she was 22, on a meandering cross country road trip which had such highlights as the Carlsbad Caverns, Graceland and a variety of Shoney's restaurants, and was bunking in a bright pink hotel called The Frenchmen.  

This time she is at a conference - an addiction medicine conference - at the Hilton.  

Note to the addiction medicine conference organizers: there is a W just a block away.  Think about it.

Anyway, the highlight of the conference so far may be the following patient quote shared with the audience of listeners at a lecture about stimulant use and hypersexual behavior.  The patient, noting his inextricable link between buckwild sex and cocaine use lamented, "I guess I'll just have to get used to sex without the hookers and the drugs." 

The quote is funny, but newFNP acknowledges that is problem is, of course, not.

NewFNP did make a quick afternoon escape from addiction to see a super great/creepy exhibit at the Audubon Insectarium and to sample some local cuisine: she had fried alligator (and a salad) for lunch.  



Tiffany said...

Fried Alligator? That is something I need a picture of.

Anonymous said...

Which model do you endorse (if any) the 9 or the 40cal..