Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sticks and Stones

NewFNP's clinic is breaking an unspoken mid-to-late December rule: keep it slow.  Get out to the dollar store for some inexpensive winter-wear or to the champurrado vendor for some must-be-an-acquired-taste thick, greasy, masa-based hot chocolate but let newFNP have some holiday peace.  

But no!  NewFNP's productivity is through the frigging roof!  She is averaging 30 patients per day and she has a student to boot.

A sub-par student.

There are some students who are great, like her NP student who attends newFNP's alma mater, like her PA student who was a former army medic and saved newFNP's ass as she incised and drained the biggest ass abscess she has ever seen.  

Her current student is not good.  She's not good.  And she called newFNP "sweetie."  Not once, but twice in the few weeks she has been there.  NewFNP hates that kind of shit.  She's no sweetie, mother-effers.  And she is not B.F.F. with this young woman.  However, newFNP has been so damned busy that she hasn't had the opportunity to nip that shit in the bud.  

Sweetie?!?!!  Ugh.  It's repulsive.

12/21/08 update: In her defense, newFNP's student definitely does not think that she knows everything and she writes everything down.  But her history taking and her SOAP notes are not so good and newFNP is a stickler for a good history and note - it makes everyone's life easier as patients come back for subsequent care.  And then there is the issue of the 'sweetie' thing - is she taking her rotation seriously or is she looking to ingratiate herself?  In newFNP's eyes, the easiest way to a fond feeling is a great performance.  


Anonymous said...

oh it will be along quarter or semester for you. There is nothing worse than a bad annoying student, thankfully i have only had that experience once, the other 8-10 np students were great. Try not to kill her.

Anonymous said...

Wow- I'm an ANP student who will begin her clinicals in the spring. I hope I don't find out about my performance through a blog post.

Anonymous said...

How would you, even if you were being posted, it wouldn't matter to you anyway.

Bonita said...

sub-par students are so hard to train, especially if they aren't open to criticism and think they are fully competent. Tough.

Anonymous said...

seems like there are lot of students and new grads that think they know everyhtng

Unknown said...

I feel your pain ( although belated). Next time send your student to take a thorough H and P on a difficult pt with multiple somatic complaints. I give them a good hour or so before I rescue them! Good times, indeed...