Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Day 2

It was better today. Yesterday, newFNP was cursing her life choice. Today, she was feeling much better. Five patients yesterday, 10 patients today. Only 8 in Spanish. Still plenty of running around, not knowing what to do. Ah, the vertical learning curve... love it.

2 days at work, 2 days at the gym. NewFNP is a wonder FNP - taking care of others and taking care of herself.

It is so lame that it is 9:30 and she is getting ready for bed, but 6:00 AM is incredibly early so it's time to snooze.

NewFNP promises that she'll see something crazy and interesting soon and share it with you. Wait! She saw that today.

She'll remind herself... tell the story of the cranial nerve/Depo exam.

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